Plan Revamp

Plan Revamp is the niche service we offer our clients (under the banner of our sister company, online architect) based on the premise of fixing and optimizing floor plans. If you feel that your home’s layout is lacking flow or flexibility, it may be time to rethink your spatial planning. Before considering extension, which can be quite costly, it is worthwhile to explore what can be achieved by re-working existing spaces within the footprint of your home, which is often surprisingly mind blowing.

Good spatial planning often tremendously improve functionality and flow which create a greater sense of space. It is achieved by combining the skill and critical eyes to find & re-purpose under-utilized area, creating better flow between commonly linked spaces and consideration for natural light and cross ventilation plays a big role too. You may even find space to create passive income, by creating a separate dual occupancy spaces that you can rent out as an airbnb.

“With a clever floor plan, you can ensure no space is wasted and the general feeling of the interior becomes not only practical but aesthetically pleasing.” says  Sydney interior designer Natasha Levak

The best way to get to know more about our Plan Revamp service is to follow us on Instagram. We do a monthly revamp of real life floor plan examples, whether from our past projects and/or submitted by our followers.  In this live session, our resident architect, Clement Hiew, will review and discuss the problems of the existing floor plan and offer a solution based on his expertise working for many residential clients throughout his over 20 years experience.

The solution will be digitally hand drawn and before & after revamp screen shots will be presented. Followers can submit the floor plans that they want to revamp, share their opinion and exchange ideas on different ways to revamp the floor plans. This is both fun and educational, not only for home owners/renovator, but also for design students and design professionals to hone their skills and share their insights.


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